Tip 76: This is EXACTLY how I want it
Bill Effros recommends that your adshould be positioned as follows: location, upper top left and “BY OWNER” right hand side top.
Type of house (condo, duplex, cottage, etc) on the next line.
Brief description of major feature on the following line.
Then your starting price, e.g. “$150,000 or best reasonable offer” on the next line, to be followed by inspection times (e.g. Sat-Sun 10-5).
Last line on low bottom left, the words: “HIGHEST BIDDER”, and your telephone number beside it.
Note: your ad is meant to give you asmany callers as
possible. Details about the property can be provided to them on the phone if they request them.
And to play safe, email or fax the copy of the ad exactly as you want it to appear in the paper. You could be dealingwith an ad taker who is taking ads for the first time and may not understand what “flush left” or “flush left” mean.
Type of house (condo, duplex, cottage, etc) on the next line.
Brief description of major feature on the following line.
Then your starting price, e.g. “$150,000 or best reasonable offer” on the next line, to be followed by inspection times (e.g. Sat-Sun 10-5).
Last line on low bottom left, the words: “HIGHEST BIDDER”, and your telephone number beside it.
Note: your ad is meant to give you asmany callers as
possible. Details about the property can be provided to them on the phone if they request them.
And to play safe, email or fax the copy of the ad exactly as you want it to appear in the paper. You could be dealingwith an ad taker who is taking ads for the first time and may not understand what “flush left” or “flush left” mean.
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