Sunday, December 31, 2006

These methods help to effectively do TWO things:

- Reducehome energy consumption
- Lower energy bills.

Wouldn’t you like to take full advantage of what these opportunities have to offer?

- Primary heating fuel reduction
- Alleviates energy burden on limited resources
- Long-term relief for lower income families and needy individuals (especially those who cannot afford it or live below the poverty line)
- Protection against later or future price fluctuations for energy provision, products, supplies and services
- Reap energy-related benefits and MORE hard-earned cash in your pocketbook on a monthly basis!

(** YOU can probablyadd a couple
of your own here too!)

Saturday, December 30, 2006


We will briefly pause to consider multiple angles, considerations and consequences of House Energy And Cost Efficiency, trying to find out more about

- What Is It
- Why It Matters
- What The Options Open To Homeowners To Conserve And Save Are Exactly

Here are some interesting facts and perspectives on cost and energy conservation at the residential level:

- Low-income households spend nearly 14% of their total annual income on energy.
- Other households spend only 3.5% of their annual income, on average, on energy.
- Low-income families often cut back on other necessities to pay their energy bills

Faced with these challenges, the government, through agencies and initiatives like The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) still continues, way beyond its early-day birth by necessity with the Arab oil embargos in the early 70s.

The program focuses in on implementing so-called low-cost conservation measures that help rake in the dollars and savings right off the bat, cutting down on consumption, reducing waste and the like. One such example is plastic window insulation, to reduce heating and cooling bills (depending on the season).

But, you can also, as a home-owner, with pride of ownership, personal and financial interest in cost-cutting and energy-conservation, address whole-house energy efficiency and promote a whole-community approach.

Enabled technology and advances in research, measurement and analysis, now enable thermal thermography and other methods to get better and clearer understanding of the ‘problems’ or areas of opportunities in each home and how best to respond to those needs to save money and energy effectively and successfully.

There are many great strides made in helping home-owners deal and cope with rising energy costs, utility bills and related concerns for cost-cutting and energy conservation, lower consumption and spending. Some resort to using all the tools at their disposal, like

Computerized energy audits
Advanced diagnostic equipment
Blower door, manometer, or infrared camera

To ascertain the most and BEST customized, cost-effective measures appropriate for THEIR OWN home.

Here are just some suggestions of what you might be able to do to make your home more cost and energy efficient:

Keeping the roof in great repair
Installing insulation in walls, floors, and attics
Reducing air infiltration
Minimizing air pressure imbalances
Sealing and repairing ducts
Cleaning and vacuuming
Tuning and repairing heating and cooling units
Installing energy efficient appliances (removing older inefficient ones)

Friday, December 29, 2006


With an eye on the future constantly, doing things a little differently and more efficiently are and will very much be a part and reality of future and forms part of the push for improvement and conservation or the environment prevalent in our cultures and society.

There is increasing demand for limited resources and we are left with not only the challenge of coming up with new ideas, to substitute for older, obsolete or less efficient methods, environmental pollution, greenhouse gasses but also unearthing and optimizing alternative sources of energy for example.

Now, this onus and responsibility (no longer a luxury for a select few, but a necessity for all of us), have come into our homes and is starting to touch our pockets. The most recent example being, those smart meters installed to monitor, report and track our household electricity use, even programmable wireless thermostats to help you conserve energy, not using large appliances in peak usage times and making the most of what energy is available to all, to save you real dollars on your utility bill every month. Base-lining, measuring and tracking these is a great start to get a better handle on, understanding of and planning, projection for the future, contingency and emergencies. There are lots of similar methods out there to make our homes BETTER and more efficient (cost/energy perspectives and dynamics).

Even in our homes, we can have a dedicated, deliberate focus and effort, to contribute and fuel’ (pardon the pun!), the push and rationale, advocacy and support, for renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies, even in, around and surrounding where we live.

We need to make the most of every individual tactic, but also synergize our ideas and strategies into a personal plan for cost and energy savings, in and through our homes and offices. IT CAN BE DONE AND IT CAN MAKE

Yes, there are the simple things, we have gotten so used to hearing that it is now almost second nature for most or us:

- Low energy bulbs
- Turning lights off when leaving a room
- Unplugging devices when not in use
- Turning the air-conditioning/heat down/up (depending on the situation/season) a couple of degrees, in order to optimize the resources that are available,
- Switching off the computer monitor or printer, for example when the computer is not on.
- Solar lights for garden beautification
- Motion lights that switch on only when there is motion
- Duct-cleaning, regular vacuuming
- Window-seal kits (winter) for interior to keep drafts out in extreme cold and optimize the heat
- Energy-efficient appliances
- Low-flow toilet and shower mechanics to conserve water
- Recycling, composting, green, blue and gray boxes, garden waste/filler, mulch and more in and around the house to minimize the impact on the environment

… and many more.

There are numerous programs and initiatives around the globe and locally, that focuses on making our homes more cost and energy efficient.

The real impetus and incentive, is to reduce energy costs all round, especially for those from low-income households, individuals and groups with limited resources and funds for life essentials at their disposal, even the frail, elderly, ill and/or the disabled. This is done by taking calculated, proven and deliberate steps to increase the energy efficiency of homes ensuring and without compromising health and safety, of those who live and dwell there!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

We can all do our part to make our own homes and businesses MORE Cost and Energy Efficient.

The ‘how to,’ practical focus of this book, will take you through some theoretical and practical aspects of making your home/business MORE cost and energy efficient.

Exact strategies and protocol for energy and cost efficient homes, might actually depend on a couple of factors, like

- where you live
- the type of house/building (old, new)
- Materials used, design
- Interior-Exterior
- Climate and Temperature, weather, seasons and related environmental considerations
- Heating or cooling, Water, power – type of energy and cost
- Cleaning, maintenance
- Choices and installations, options, alternatives and renewable energy type topics and concerns
- Restorable energy

… and many more.

There might not necessarily be a one-size fits all solution for everybody. Also, more of a hands-on, pro-active, interpretative and customized approach might be required to come up with the solutions, answers and options that are just right for you, your circumstances, your home and YOUR pocketbook, in the short/immediate, medium and/or long-term.

To illustrate how popular and timely this topic is, on a customized keyword search, combination of words and phrases on this topic, you might get an online search result, in excess of 4 million hits (depending on the methods and channels you use), that vary from theoretical perspectives, products, services, advocacy for renewable energy, conservation and more. It is abuzz with frenzy, opinions, offerings and interesting facts. We will refer to and include some of these in the unfolding musing on these pages, as well as some in-print expertise, recommendations from industry experts, governmental agencies, environmental groups and even practical advice from owners who themselves use and swear by a couple of tried-and-true methods.

All of these secrets will reveal themselves gradually, as we work our way through the intricacies and opportunities to save money and conserve energy in the process, making our living and working environments more comfortable, welcoming, yet cost efficient and highly functional, economical and energy-wise!

We all continue to wish for availability, access, clean, abundant, reliable and affordable energy to run, fuel, heat/cool our homes and dwelling spaces. We have already come a long way and the environmentally conscious amongst us, will in all probability say lots more can be done! We tend to also take this view and from it springs our departure point on who this book is intended for, why it is written and what you will most likely find in it.

It is written for EVERYBODY! All of us are tasked with cutting costs, conserving energy and making the most of our limited resources, in and around where we live, even if it means changing a habit or two and potentially giving up a little to gain a lot MORE! The book/guide caters to a wide, diverse audience of readers, of all ages, convictions, means and walks of life, yes, even me and you! The rationale behind it: it is good to talk about there things, but not very often do we take their implications down to the level where we live and work. Here will follow some very practical tips for what to do when and where, in and around your home to save some money and energy in the process!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Introduction, Purpose, Rationale, Target Audience and Layout of the Book

Renewable energy, energy efficiency and cost savings
cost savings have been so front-of-mind lately and will increasingly get attention, as we move into the future, countries develop and refine their economic growth and expansion, increase their demand and needs.

Add to this our limited resources and a global economy that relies heavily on electricity, fuel and other resources to exist and thrive.